Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Rules?

What would if be like if there were no rules?  I think it would be scary.  While I admit I not like some rules like bedtime, cause it always seems that is right in the middle of doing something fun, I think it would be hard to live in a world with no rules at all.  If we really had no rules what would keep us safe cause we wouldn't have police officers anymore to enforce the rules if they don't even exist.  People could just take your things if they were bigger or stronger.  If they got mad enough they could even kill someone and it wouldn't matter because there would be no rules to say not to do it or that it's wrong or that you can go to jail if you do.  Then there is little stuff like television.  With no rules people could show or say anything they wanted even bad words.  How would you know what was ok  for a little kid like to me to watch?  I think even though I not like the rule that says I got to eat my peas, mommy says that is the law though I not know why anyone would make that a law, we still need some rules to make sure everyone is safe and happy and of course eats their peas.


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