I think people must not be very smart to have bad manners. Is really no good excuse to be rude to anyone. People should realize you can get a lot farther in you are polite. I know for me personally I am more likely to hel someone who is being nice and says please and thank you.
Which brings to what I think makes a good friend. Manners for one thing makes a good friend. I think is important that you are nice and friendly in return. I also think that a good friend is someone who cares and who pays attention is there for you when you need help. Again all these things have to do with being nice. Is a old saying if you want to make a friend be a friend and I think that is so true.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I Love Winter Because It Makes Me Feel....
Amazing!! I love the cool clean brisk air. I love how clean the air smells during the winter. I love watching my breath make what looks like smoke as it is visible proof that it's cold outside. I love the warm cozy feeling of soft sweaters and heavy coats. I love the taste of hot coco as it warms my insides and makes me feel all toasty. I like wearing thick fuzzy socks and how they tickle my toes. I even like how it makes my nose and ears bright red cause makes me feel like Rudolph. Giggles. I wish I lived up north where it snowed. Just once I'd love to sit by a fire and watch is snow. I think that would make me feel all happy inside. Living in Florida I never really have seen snow. But I bet it feels all cold and icy and squishy and wet. Least that is what I imagine it must feel like. Winter is the best season ever!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
What would you do if a stranger came into your house and you were alone?
If a stranger came in my house I would try to get to a phone and call 911 if I could. Then either way I would hide. I would hope that they didn't see me cause I don't know if they might hurt me. I would try to be really quiet and pray they left soon or that the police showed up if I was able to call them. Once they were gone i would for sure call the police and my parents. That's my plans if that ever happens but I sure hope it never does.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
What's your favorite Tv Show, and who would you like to be in the show, new or old!?
My most favorite TV show ever was Star Trek. I first saw it in reruns when I was just a kid and fell in love with Captain Kirk and Spock and McCoy. Then one day a whole new Star Trek was on TV then another and then 3 more even. I am fascinated by the whole idea of traveling in outer space. If could be any character I'd like to be Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager. I liked that she was a strong female character in charge of the entire ship. I think being the captain while a great responsibility would be awesome. So that is who I would pick.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Thing That Makes Me Happiest and Saddest
The thing that makes me happiest is logging into SL and getting hugs from my parents. Mommy and daddy hugs are the VERY best kind. I always feel safe and loved when I'm with them.
The thing that makes me saddest is that some of my family quit being my family recently. I not totally sure of all the reasons why but it makes me really sad they are not around now. I miss them and hope one day maybe we can all be happy again. Cause being with my family always makes me smile.
The thing that makes me saddest is that some of my family quit being my family recently. I not totally sure of all the reasons why but it makes me really sad they are not around now. I miss them and hope one day maybe we can all be happy again. Cause being with my family always makes me smile.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
How Do Rainy Days Make Me Feel?
Sometime rainy days make me feel happy. For example sometimes is a great to curl up with my favorite bear and blanket and read one of my books. Nothing is better than being all cozy with a good book when it raining outside. But sometimes a rain day makes me feel sad too. Sometimes when it really dark and gray out I just wanna go hide and be all alone and not talk to any one. I guess it just really depends on my mood that day and rather or not I gotta go out in the rain or not. I like rainy days a lot better when I not out in it. Maybe that is why rainy days make me happy and sad.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
What qualities do you look for in a friend? How do you try to be a good friend to others?
Make Up Blog May 11
When I make a new friend the one thing I look for the most is can I trust them. A friend has to be someone you can count and and tell your secrets to if they truly going to be a good friend to you. They need to be reliable and dependable to be there when you make plans and hopefully they help you out when you need it. I try to be a good friend by being these things for other people. I figure the things I want in a friend are good ways to show others I too am a good friend.
When I make a new friend the one thing I look for the most is can I trust them. A friend has to be someone you can count and and tell your secrets to if they truly going to be a good friend to you. They need to be reliable and dependable to be there when you make plans and hopefully they help you out when you need it. I try to be a good friend by being these things for other people. I figure the things I want in a friend are good ways to show others I too am a good friend.
Friday, May 13, 2011
What is Your Favorite Circus Activity
When I go the circus I love the trapeze the most. I think it would be so exciting to fly thru the air like that. I also love to swing and they get to do that to way up in the air. I love watching when they do all the cool flips and someone catches them. That has to be so hard to get the timing right. But it sure does look amazing when it goes perfectly. If I was gonna be in the circus that is what I would want to do.
Monday, May 9, 2011
If you had 3 wishes what would they be and why would you pick them?
If I had 3 wishes the first would be I would wish to have lots and lots of money. I know that sounds greedy but there are so many good things I would do with it. I would help my Aunt and Uncle who want to move to FL and could really use the help affording it. I would help my sister who wants to do fertility treatments so she can try to have a baby but can't really afford it. I would help my parents by paying off their mortgage cause that would help them so much. I would also give some to charity and set up college funds for my son and my nieces and nephews. My second wish would be for my mom to no longer have any health problems. She had polio as a kid and no has so many problems because of it. I would make her all better. My third and last wish would be for the world to be at peace. No more fighting and no more wars. That way no one has to lose any more sons or daughters or moms or dads. So that's what I would do with my 3 wishes.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
"Do you have any brothers or sisters? If you do, tell what they're like. If not, tell whether or not you would like to have a brother or sister and why."
My sister's name is Kayla. She is an awesome little sister. We have so much fun doing stuff together. She's same and sweet and silly and I just adore her. I also love my forever sissy Lexxie. We been together forever it feels like. Her will always be my sissy no matter who her mommy is. We do nearly everything together. She's smart and funny and cute and I love her to death. Really!!
What are your plans for this summer?
Make Up Blog 5/4/11
I hopes to do lots of fun things this summer both in SL and RL. On SL I am hoping to go to camp. I been told it is so much fun. Last summer I missed it then thanks to being sick I missed winter camp as well. So this summer I hoping I get to be there with my bestie friend Lexxie and my sissy Kayla. Also my mommy will probably be around more this summer so I excited about that too. In RL I looking forward to spending time with my family. My Aunt is moving to Florida and I love spending time with her. I also plan to spend some time with my nieces and can't wait to see Harry Potter and some of the other big summer movies. Those are my summer plans.
I hopes to do lots of fun things this summer both in SL and RL. On SL I am hoping to go to camp. I been told it is so much fun. Last summer I missed it then thanks to being sick I missed winter camp as well. So this summer I hoping I get to be there with my bestie friend Lexxie and my sissy Kayla. Also my mommy will probably be around more this summer so I excited about that too. In RL I looking forward to spending time with my family. My Aunt is moving to Florida and I love spending time with her. I also plan to spend some time with my nieces and can't wait to see Harry Potter and some of the other big summer movies. Those are my summer plans.
If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your extended family, who would it be? Tell why you chose this person and tell what you do together.
Make Up Blog for 5/2/11
If could spend the afternoon with anyone I would want one more afternoon with my grandma. I know I would need a miracle cause her passed away almost 18 months ago now but I miss her so much. I'd love to just hear her voice one more time. I would tell her I loved her and I missed her and that I know some day I will see her again. I'd want to get her to make me biscuits one more time before her had to go. She made them better than anyone else in the world, well that and her homemade jelly. This way I could learn how and keep making em for mine family. I miss my grandma so much so that's who I wish I could have an afternoon with.
If could spend the afternoon with anyone I would want one more afternoon with my grandma. I know I would need a miracle cause her passed away almost 18 months ago now but I miss her so much. I'd love to just hear her voice one more time. I would tell her I loved her and I missed her and that I know some day I will see her again. I'd want to get her to make me biscuits one more time before her had to go. She made them better than anyone else in the world, well that and her homemade jelly. This way I could learn how and keep making em for mine family. I miss my grandma so much so that's who I wish I could have an afternoon with.
Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn't keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?

Make Up Blog 4/29/11
If I had $100 to give away I would give it to charity. I would give half of it to the Humane Society to help all the doggies and kitties that get abandoned and don't have homes or anyone to love them anymore. Maybe this would help them in some small way. I would give the other half to the American Cancer Society. Cancer is such a bad bad thing and they need to find a cure and soon. Hopefully again in a small way this would help people who have cancer get closer to being cured and maybe help those that don't have maybe never have to get it. That's what I'd do with the money.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
What advice would give to someone who stole something but now feels guilty about it and why would you give that advice
If someone I know stole something I would tell them stealing is wrong. I would explain that the reason they feel guilty is because they probably already knew that stealing is wrong. I would tell them that the person they stole from or the store they stole from is hurt by what they did. I would suggest to them what they could do is tell the truth. They should take the stolen thing or things back to wherever they stole it from and return it. This may seem hard but in the end doing the right thing will make them feel better. That is why I would tell them to take it back. Not only is the truth always the right thing to do but it will make them feel so much better.
Monday, April 25, 2011
What do you think the world really needs right now?
I think what the world needs right now is peace. So many things are going on in the world that are bad. Some countries are in wars with others. Some have had horrible disasters like Japan. Some have civil wars going on where their own people are fighting each other. Some countries are ruled by dictators who are not nice to their citizens. Some are fighting and struggling even now for freedom and democracy. All these reasons are why I think what the world could use the most right now is peace.
If someone cut in line in front of you, what would you do?
If this happened to me I would politely tell them that I had been waiting and the end of the line was somewhere behind me. Cutting in line is wrong and I would hope the person would realize that and move on their own. If this not happen, meaning if they not move, I would tell my mommy. If her was not with me I would look for another adult to tell. One thing I would not do is push them or try to make them move. Fighting is not the right thing to do either. So that is what I would do if that happened to me.
What is your favorite book and why?
My most favorite book ever is called Dragon Prince. It is by a lady named Melanie Rawn. It is all about prince and princess and dragons and villains. I love this book because it takes place in a far away place follows the lives of the characters from one generation to the next. I also think the love story between the two main characters Rohan and Sioned is awesome. It's for sure the best book ever and definitely worth taking the time to read.
~"If you could be any animal in the jungle, what would you be and why?"
I would want to be a lioness. Lions are strong and stay together as families. The mommy makes sure you cubs are protected and that nothing can hurt them. She feeds them and makes sure they grow up big and strong. This is why I would choose to me a lioness.
Friday, April 1, 2011
NO Bullies!!
If I saw someone picking on another kid I'd go tell an adult or a teacher. No one deserves to be picked on by anyone else. Just cause your skin is a different color or you speak a different language or you little or big or skinny or overweight is not right that you get picked on. Telling your teacher or your parent or any other adult is the best plan. I'd also try really hard to be their friend so they know that not everyone is that way. I think kids that is the victim of a bully need friends the most of all so they know they is liked and cared about and that there are nice people out there. That is what I would if I saw someone getting picked on by other kids.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
No Rules?
What would if be like if there were no rules? I think it would be scary. While I admit I not like some rules like bedtime, cause it always seems that is right in the middle of doing something fun, I think it would be hard to live in a world with no rules at all. If we really had no rules what would keep us safe cause we wouldn't have police officers anymore to enforce the rules if they don't even exist. People could just take your things if they were bigger or stronger. If they got mad enough they could even kill someone and it wouldn't matter because there would be no rules to say not to do it or that it's wrong or that you can go to jail if you do. Then there is little stuff like television. With no rules people could show or say anything they wanted even bad words. How would you know what was ok for a little kid like to me to watch? I think even though I not like the rule that says I got to eat my peas, mommy says that is the law though I not know why anyone would make that a law, we still need some rules to make sure everyone is safe and happy and of course eats their peas.
Friday, March 18, 2011
My Gift
If I could give any gift in the world I would give the gift of hope. I keep seeing all these people on the television in Japan who have lost so much. They have lost their homes, their jobs, their things, and even their loved ones in some cases. I can't imagine how awful it must be to have lost so much. When you see the news and all the people digging thru what is left of their homes or crying cause of the loss it makes me want to cry. They look so heartbroken and sad and hopeless. That is why I would love to give them the gift of hope that while things won't ever be the same again they will with time get better. Everyone needs hope and right now the people of Japan need it most of all.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
What I Thought of My First Day of School
I really enjoyed my first day of school. We had a substitute. Her name was Miss Lauren and her was really nice. I can't wait to meet Miss Sehra and start learning al the cool things I know we gonna learn this semester. I also very glad I in class with my wifey, LisaMae. It's gonna be a good semester.
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